Sunday 23 September 2012

College Retreat - The Lord's Return

I am so thankful for being able to attend this year's college retreat in Chilliwack on the Lord's return.  It was very heart warming to see all the brothers and sisters again and to pursue the Lord with other believers.  Here are some key points that I enjoyed:

1) We need to be those not only believing in the Lord's return, but more importantly those living a life waiting, expecting, long, and hastening His return (2 Peter 3:12), taking it as an encouragement.  This implies that as His Bride, we have prepared ourselves adequately and are ready to meet our glorious Bridegroom.

2) There are several signs that must take place before the end of the age such as:  the political situation in preparation for the anti-Christ, the economic situation, calamities, bible prophecy, and Matthew 24:14 about the gospel being preached to all the nations.  The first four signs, we have no control of but the one thing we can do is preach the gospel!

3) The way to prepare for Christ's second coming can be seen in the parables in Matthew 25.  First, the parable of the 10 virgins shows us that we need to be watchful in life, paying the price to buy the oil for our lamps (signifying allowing the Holy Spirit to spread into our soul), which is accumulated daily.  Second, the parable of the slaves shows us that we need to be faithful in service, by trading our talents (signifying using what the Lord has given us).

Overall, I'm appreciating that the subject of the Lord's coming doesn't just have to be a scary thing.  It's good to have a healthy fear, but we can also prepare for His return and hasten it because as His Bride we long to see our Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus.

(Photos credit to Robert Pranata)
Good companion reunited again

From left to right, Jason, Jerry, Robert, moi, Leonard, Dernanto

Other than the retreat, things have been going well in Victoria.  I spend most of my time after work doing chores or working out at the fitness centre across the street.  I plan to spend more time reading the bible/praying with Jerry on Skype now.  We got to know each other during our trip to Chilliwack and are burdened to pursue the Lord together.  Work has been going well and I feel that this position will provide me lots of opportunity to grow, since I'm working directly with both occupational and physical therapists.

Keep in touch and I miss you all!

Monday 17 September 2012

Life on the Island

Praise the Lord for his testimony in Victoria.  May the Lord continue to gain His testimony here.  I was very much supplied by all the portions of the saints during our Lord's table and prophesying meeting.  In smaller meetings like this, you can't hide in the back row because there is none!  We enjoyed the morning revival series on 'The Vision of the Proper One Accord in the Church.'  

One point that touched me is that we need to serve the Lord with the one vision, the vision of the age that includes all the vision of the Bible, based on the teaching of the apostles.  We may love the Lord, serve Him, but if we do not have this vision as revealed in the Bible, we cannot be one and the Lord cannot pour out His commanded blessing (Psalms 133).  May the Lord give us such a vision that He may gain the oneness among us He desires.

We were treated for a buffet meal for lunch

Almost all Victorians tell me that Victoria is more beautiful than Vancouver.  Less rain, less clouds, more sun, more boats.  I'll post more photos so you can decide!

Lots of tourists

Horses are pretty common

Very similar to Vancouver's Granville island.  I kind of like this one better :D

Water-taxi.. only on an island would you find this

Seals at the harbour!

Water taxis.. and yep, water-homes as well!

Parliament buildings

Pretty random but we saw Darth Vader playing the violin

As for work, things are great.  Learning lots in the clinic and I'm fitting in quite well.  And I finally moved into my new place with Internet access so I can keep in touch/Skype with you all.  In my free time I'll spend most of my time in the fitness centre across the street from my place.  

Please let me know how you're all doing and I hope to see you soon!!

Thursday 13 September 2012


Sorry for the lack of updates since I left.  For those who don't know, I recently moved to Victoria for work.  My prayer this summer was, 'Lord, take me wherever You want me to be this fall.'  And I experienced the Lord's faithful seeing Him working out everything for me to be here.  Lord, may my time here be worthwhile in Your eyes.

So during these past few days I've been living with the Lee family, a couple in the churchlife who are moving to the Vancouver area next week.  They are really sweet and have been taking care of me, making me breakfast and lunch even though I told them they didn't need to.  They don't have any internet so I have to find other places to get online.  I will be moving to my new place with Internet this Saturday so it should be easier to keep in touch starting from then!

Some recent enjoyment of a hymn I've been enjoying is that when we call on the Lord:
1) we participate in the Triune God,
2) we become joined to the Lord, and increase the element of God in us,
3) we grow with the growth of God,
4) the life of God matures with us,
5) we are built with others as His bride,
6) we bring Satan closer to the lake of fire,
7) and we speed up the coming marriage of the Lamb.

Calling in the such a simple practice, but it really allows the Lord to have His way to fulfill His economy in us!

May we all have such a simple life of calling, enjoying, and taking in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.