Sunday, 23 September 2012

College Retreat - The Lord's Return

I am so thankful for being able to attend this year's college retreat in Chilliwack on the Lord's return.  It was very heart warming to see all the brothers and sisters again and to pursue the Lord with other believers.  Here are some key points that I enjoyed:

1) We need to be those not only believing in the Lord's return, but more importantly those living a life waiting, expecting, long, and hastening His return (2 Peter 3:12), taking it as an encouragement.  This implies that as His Bride, we have prepared ourselves adequately and are ready to meet our glorious Bridegroom.

2) There are several signs that must take place before the end of the age such as:  the political situation in preparation for the anti-Christ, the economic situation, calamities, bible prophecy, and Matthew 24:14 about the gospel being preached to all the nations.  The first four signs, we have no control of but the one thing we can do is preach the gospel!

3) The way to prepare for Christ's second coming can be seen in the parables in Matthew 25.  First, the parable of the 10 virgins shows us that we need to be watchful in life, paying the price to buy the oil for our lamps (signifying allowing the Holy Spirit to spread into our soul), which is accumulated daily.  Second, the parable of the slaves shows us that we need to be faithful in service, by trading our talents (signifying using what the Lord has given us).

Overall, I'm appreciating that the subject of the Lord's coming doesn't just have to be a scary thing.  It's good to have a healthy fear, but we can also prepare for His return and hasten it because as His Bride we long to see our Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus.

(Photos credit to Robert Pranata)
Good companion reunited again

From left to right, Jason, Jerry, Robert, moi, Leonard, Dernanto

Other than the retreat, things have been going well in Victoria.  I spend most of my time after work doing chores or working out at the fitness centre across the street.  I plan to spend more time reading the bible/praying with Jerry on Skype now.  We got to know each other during our trip to Chilliwack and are burdened to pursue the Lord together.  Work has been going well and I feel that this position will provide me lots of opportunity to grow, since I'm working directly with both occupational and physical therapists.

Keep in touch and I miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for giving you the opportunity to work at CBI in Victoria. Even though you're working at a low level, I believe that in the long run, you will gain a lot of valuable work experience. As the saying goes...'you have to start somewhere'.

    Also, thank God that Jerry is working in the island. Otherwise, you'll be quite lonely there. Nice of you to post these latest photos in your blog. I saw some of the photos in Robert P's facebook earlier.
